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with Disability Lawyer Sam Early on your side. Serving clients in Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina and across the U.S.

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Awards & Certifications:

Georgia Social Security Disability Lawyers

Our Experienced Social Security Disability Team Has Tried Over 1,000 Cases

When a health issue prevents you from working, you need help getting the Social Security Disability benefits you deserve. The Law Offices of Sam Earley can be that helping hand that guides you through the entire Social Security disability process.

Our Georgia Social Security Disability Lawyers advocate for our clients, helping them receive the disability benefits they need along with overcoming any challenges that arise along the way.

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Disability Lawyers Who Have Your Back

Living with a disability can be physically, emotionally, and financially draining. We understand, and we want to help

We make it easier for you by fighting for the disability benefits that will improve your quality of life.
Our highly qualified Social Security Disability lawyers represent claimants nationwide with a focus on Tennessee, Georgia, and South Carolina.

Supplemental Security Income

Supplemental security Income (SSI) is a federal income program funded by tax revenues (not Social Security) to help elderly, blind, and disabled people who have little-to-no income. It provides cash to cover basic food, clothing, and shelter expenses. The maximum SSI benefit you can receive is based on age, impairment, restricted income, and assets. If you receive Supplemental Security Income, then you should automatically apply for Medicaid.

Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits

Social security disability insurance (SSDI) is a payroll tax-funded federal insurance program managed by the social security administration. It was created to supplement the income of people who can no longer physically do the work they used to do because of a notable disability. The maximum social security disability benefit you can receive is based on impairment and job credits. If you receive social security disability benefits, then you can apply for medicare.

Social Security Disability Appeals

If we don’t get the outcome we want the first time, we can appeal. Sometimes it takes two or three appeals before a case is paid. That’s because people’s situations change, whether they age into a different category or establish a more consistent medical history. Either way, we’re persistent. We’ll stick with it because we want to win it. These are the stages of social security disability cases we typically appeal:

• Initial application and initial denials

• Reconsideration applications and reconsideration denials

• Hearing appeals and hearings before an administrative law judge


How To Handle A Social Security Disability Claim Appeal

There are a number of common reasons that SSDI or SSI claims are denied, such as insufficient medical evidence, incomplete forms, or failure to follow treatment advice.

Fortunately, we have helped countless applicants successfully overcome a claim denial. There are four basic ways to appeal your application denial for SSDI or SSI.

Find out what else you need to know about successful SSDI and SSI appeals from our experienced disability attorney.
1. Have your disability claim reviewed
2. Request a hearing by an administrative law judge
3. Request a Review by the appeals council
4. File a civil suit in federal court

Key Factors to a Successful Social Security Disability Claim

Having helped countless clients receive SSDI benefits, Social Security Disability Lawyer Sam Earley knows how to increase the chances of having your Social Security Disability claim approved.

Here are the most important factors behind a successful SSDI application:

Your Work History & Social Security Disability

Since SSDI benefits are dependent on work history, one of the largest factors behind an approved SSDI application is how much you paid into the Social Security program. Every worker pays a percentage of their income into Social Security. In 2023, that number is 6.2% (self-employed workers pay 12.4%).
Because SSDI benefits come from how much you have worked, higher earnings result in higher benefit amounts. However, if you earned less some years, your benefit amount may be reduced. How long ago you became disabled and stopped working may also affect qualifying for benefits.

Social Security Disability & Work Credits

Unlike a retirement fund that you draw directly from, SSDI benefits come from your work history and contributions to Social Security, earning you Social Security “work credits.”

For 2023, you earn one credit for each $1,640 in earnings. You can work up to a maximum of four credits per year ($6,560).

Your Medical Condition Must Qualify

Social Security Disability Insurance is there to help those who can no longer work due to a medical condition that is recognised as an accepted disability or condition found on the Social Security Administration’s approved list of disabling conditions.

However, qualifying for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits also depends on various factors beyond having an approved disability. If you have a partial disability and are able to work, you may not be eligible for SSDI. To determine if your disability meets the requirements, reach out to our social security disability lawyers for assistance.

Medical Documentation and Social Security Disability Insurance

To qualify for SSDI benefits, you must provide proof of your disability. This ensures that the benefits are not abused by those who fake their impairments.
It is important to have well-documented medical records from qualified physicians that detail your disabling condition and its causes. These records should include information about your injury, diagnosis, treatment, tests, scans, therapy, rehabilitation, and future prognosis.Our social security disability lawyers can help guide you to identify and acquire the right records and other factors that will strengthen your claim.

There are other important factors to a successful SSDI claim that aren’t listed here.

See What Our Clients Say About Working With Us

We take your Social Security Disability claim personally. That’s why we work so hard for clients like you to maximise results and help them with any challenges along the way.

To see how our hard work has benefited clients like you, take a look at what others have said about working with us:

“Sam is professional, knowledgeable, and really cared about acquiring the best outcome for my case. Highly recommend!“

Brittany S.
“Fast and efficient. Very kind.”

Michelle K.
“Sam is an AMAZING Attorney! He goes above and beyond for all his clients and makes sure everyone gets a fair chance! 10/10 would recommend !!!!!!”

Ashleigh G.

What to Expect When Working With Our Social Security Disability Lawyers

Our entire focus is to help you get benefits you deserve and your life back on track after suffering from your disability.

Reorganising how important this is for you, we do everything we can to maximise your results and ensure your success. This includes a six step process that the law offices of Sam Early have developed to help Clients like you.

Find out what else you need to know about successful SSDI and SSI appeals from our experienced disability attorney.
1. Your Free consultation with our social security disability lawyer
2. We Begin Filing Your Social Security Disability Benefits Claim
3. Establishing Care
4. Preparing for Your Social Security Disability Hearing
5. Your Social Security Disability Hearing
6. Attaining Your Social Security Disability Benefits